The Big Red Wine Company

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La Bastide Blanche, Bandol

One of the very best producers of the Mediterranean (primarily red wine) appellation of Bandol (the only appellation in Provence consistently producing world class wines primarily from the Mourvèdre grape famed for its use in Châteauneuf-du-Pape's Château de Beaucastel), La Bastide Blanche produces three cuvées of red Bandol. We offer the two prestige wines: one for the medium term (which blends the long-lived Mourvèdre with some Grenache) and one for the long haul (almost pure Mourvèdre).  

Bandol was the holiday hangout of Aldous Huxley and Thomas Mann years before Bridgette Bardot had even heard of St. Tropez. Its wines use the same grape varietals as those of the Southern Rhône but with at least 50 percent Mourvèdre they are markedly different, taking up to a decade to flesh out and soften the tannins.

La Bastide Blanche was acquired by a member of the INAO (the French board that governs wine laws and regions), Louis Bronzo, who wanted to raise the world’s awareness of Bandol wines by creating wines that were the equals of wines from more famous appellations. After 30 years they have begun to succeed, as these examples demonstrate: deep and dark, with brooding earthy and brambly blackberry notes, yet still soft and silky in texture.

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© The Big Red Wine Company, Barton Coach House, The Street, Barton Mills, Suffolk IP28 6AA, UK. Tel +44 (0) 1638 510803

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